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DeLuca was only 17 when he started what is now the Subway restaurant chain in 1965; he needed money to attend college and a friend offered to back him with $1,000 to start a sandwich shop in Bridgeport, Conn. That beginning led DeLuca to an enormously successful career: in addition to being president of the chain, he runs MILE, a nonprofit organization that offers loans to entrepreneurs. According to DeLuca, there are 15 essential principles for anyone starting a small business, some of which, DeLuca confesses, he learned the hard way (he had never made a submarine sandwich before opening day of his first shop). Among these pillars: Believe in Your People; Never Run Out of Money; Keep the Faith; and Profit or Perish. DeLuca uses his own business experience as well as that of other successful entrepreneursAe.g., the founders of Kinko's and Little Caesar'sAin addition to those of less well-known business people. Written in a conversational style, the advice isn't especially original or creative. However, would-be millionaires who are sitting at their kitchen table wondering if they should take that big step and start a business will find the book both instructive and inspirational. Agent, Bob Diforio.
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Fred DeLuca's Fifteen Key Lessons to Start--and Run--Your Own Successful Business
CHAPTER ONE It's an Entrepreneur's World
You can become part of it by starting small as a microentrepreneur.
CHAPTER TWO The Fifteen Key Lessons _ _
How I discovered them and implemented them, and how they helped me start small and finish big with Subway!
How a seventeen-year-old kid from "The Projects" started Subway with a microloan of $I ,000.
These microentrepreneurs are certain of one thing: Starting small is better than never starting at all! Regardless of money, circumstances, and expe-rience, these microentrepreneurs will show you how to get started.
CHAPTER FIVE Earn a Few Pennies
By earning pennies first, dollars second, Frank Argenbright learned how to make money. He's used that ability to build a billion-dollar, multina-tional enterprise in the contract staffing industry.
CHAPTER SIX Begin with an Idea
Tomima Edmark says: If you want an idea, look around, find a problem and solve it. She's made a fortune doing just that.
CHAPTER SEVEN Think Like a Visionary
A "Big Picture" attitude helped Jim Cavanaugh start small in commercial cleaning and finish big with the world's largest company of its kind, Jani-King.
CHAPTER EIGHT Keep the Faith
Even an F from his college professor didn't stop Ian Leopold from starting his publishing business. That's because he believed in what he was about to do. Today, he's the mastermind of a $10 million company.
CHAPTER NINE Ready, Fire, Aim!
Tom Morales wasn't quite ready to give up his job, but today he's happy that circumstances forced him to launch a catering business for the movie industry. Now he's serving Sharon Stone, Steve Martin, Jodie Foster,Tom Hanks, and a host of other movie stars.
CHAPTER TEN Profit or Perish
The day Everett Harlow figured out how to increase sales while decreas-ing costs was the day his graphic arts business began to flourish.
America's Dean of Motivation, Zig Ziglar, failed seventeen times before succeeding in the speaking business. He's proof that the School of Hard Knocks won't fail anyone who maintains a positive attitude!
CHAPTER TWELVE Continuously Improve Your Business
Mary Ellen Sheets has never worried about planning her business. She simply tries to improve it every day. That philosophy has helped Two Men & A Truck enjoy enormous success.
CHAPTER THIRTEEN Believe In Your People
David Schlessinger was fortunate when he launched Encore Books near the University of Pennsylvania. Even though he was a teenager, he intu-itively knew that he would need other people to build his business. Conse-quently, he quickly assembled a young, dedicated team and together they created a retail phenomenon.
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Never Run Out of Money.Borrow Before You Need To.
CHAPTER FIFTEEN Attract New Customers Every Day
CHAPTER SIXTEEN Be Persistent:Don't Give Up
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Opportunity Waits for No One
CHAPTER NINETEEN Take the First Bold Step
APPENDIX I Information About Starign a Local MILE Chapter
APPENEIX II Microcredit Lending Programs in the United States
DeLuca was only 17 when he started what is now the Subway restaurant chain in 1965; he needed money to attend college and a friend offered to back him with $1,000 to start a sandwich shop in Bridgeport, Conn. That beginning led DeLuca to an enormously successful career: in addition to being president of the chain, he runs MILE, a nonprofit organization that offers loans to entrepreneurs. According to DeLuca, there are 15 essential principles for anyone starting a small business, some of which, DeLuca confesses, he learned the hard way (he had never made a submarine sandwich before opening day of his first shop). Among these pillars: Believe in Your People; Never Run Out of Money; Keep the Faith; and Profit or Perish. DeLuca uses his own business experience as well as that of other successful entrepreneursAe.g., the founders of Kinko's and Little Caesar'sAin addition to those of less well-known business people. Written in a conversational style, the advice isn't especially original or creative. However, would-be millionaires who are sitting at their kitchen table wondering if they should take that big step and start a business will find the book both instructive and inspirational. Agent, Bob Diforio.
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
DeLuca, cofounder in 1965 of SUBWAY Restaurants and founder in 1996 of the Micro Investment Lending Enterprise (MILE), a nonprofit organization making microloans to entrepreneurs/microentrepreneurs, has written this humorous, down-to-earth guide to success as a small business owner. Coauthor Hayes is a writer (Computer Architecture and Organization, 1998), public speaker, and business trainer. Each chapter describes one of DeLuca's 15 key lessons and is illustrated with a real-life case study. None of the people in these cases is a household name, but businesses such as Kinkos, Little Caesars, and SUBWAY are. DeLuca doesn't claim that his guides form a master plan for success, but he optimistically believes that anyone can become Bill Gates, Lillian Vernon, or Henry Lay and that his lessons will increase the chances. His book also promotes and supports MILE, and the last chapter and appendix are devoted to information about it and its programs. Recommended for most small business collections.
Susan C. Awe, Univ. of New Mexico Lib., Albuquerque
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
We've already seen "burger wars." This may be the start of "sub wars." Or perhaps it is just a coincidence that Tony Conza, cofounder of Blimpies, and DeLuca, cofounder of Subway, have now written books. DeLuca follows Conza's Success . . . It's a Beautiful Thing , a collection of reminiscences about getting started and advice for would-be entrepreneurs, with his own guide to business success. DeLuca tells how he started selling sandwiches at the age of 17; now Subway has 14,000 stores and annual sales of $3 billion. He adds tips from other entrepreneurs with similar experiences, such as the founders of Little Caesar's, Kinko's, and the world's largest commercial cleaning company. DeLuca emphasizes starting small. He explains how it is possible to start a business with $1,000 and touts the concept of microloans. In fact, he established the Micro Investment Lending Enterprise in 1996 to make such loans, and the proceeds from this book will go to that nonprofit organization. (Conza similarly earmarked his profits for a favorite cause, the Boys' Clubs and Girls' Clubs of America.) David Rouse
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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